Big Blue Colts Football Camp is tomorrow if weather permits! Wear your Colts gear! We will be watching the weather in the morning. ☀️⛅️🏈
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
A Retirement Celebration in Honor of Mrs. Tina Ford and Mrs. Laura Jean Rowe! We invite you to attend a Retirement Party in their honor on Friday, May 10th, from 5:30-8:00pm, at the Alexandria Community Center. We hope you will all join us in wishing Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Rowe the very best as they start this exciting, new chapter in their lives!
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
retirement celebration
Retirement celebration
Retirement celebration
Retirement celebration
Thank you to the Alexandria Community School Board for the special treats for our AMES Staff! It was a wonderful way to start our Monday!
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
staff appreciation
staff appreciation
Staff appreciation
staff appreciation
5th Grade "Always Changing and Growing Up" Video Program is scheduled on May 17th, 2024. The second permission slip was sent home with our 5th grade students. If you have any questions about always puberty and confidence education program or if you'd like to review the program materials in advance, please contact the school nurse, Jessica Lauterbach RN at 765-724-4166.
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
Lions, tigers, and bears…Oh my! Our AMES PreK Students and Staff enjoyed learning more about different animals at the Indianapolis Zoo! Thank you to our PreK Staff for organizing this special trip.
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
PreK Zoo Trip
PreK Zoo Trip
PreK Zoo Trip
PreK Zoo Trip
PreK Zoo Trip
Animal presentations! Our third graders in Mrs. Rowe’s class presented their video animal presentations with some of our first and second grade classes. They were remarkable and engaging! Way to go, Tigers!
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
Third grade presentations
Third grade presentations
AMES Staff Appreciation Week begins on Monday, May 6th! We are so grateful to work with our Alexandria Monroe Elementary Staff! They are an incredibly talented group who wants nothing but the best for our students and families. Feel free to send a message to a special staff member in your child's life for making a difference. Thank you so much for helping make their days next week so special!
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
AMES Staff Appreciation Week
Staff Appreciation
A Retirement Celebration in Honor of Mrs. Tina Ford and Mrs. Laura Jean Rowe! Please join us in extending our best wishes and appreciation to two of Alexandria’s finest educators, Mrs. Tina Ford and Mrs. Laura Jean Rowe. Both teachers have announced their retirement upon completion of the 2023-24 school year. Mrs. Ford has been an esteemed member of the faculty for 30.5 years, and Mrs. Rowe has faithfully dedicated 24 years of service to our community. They will be greatly missed by students and colleagues alike. We have all benefited from their strong commitment to education in Alexandria Community Schools. We invite you to attend a Retirement Party in their honor on Friday, May 10th, from 5:30-8:00pm, at the Alexandria Community Center. We hope you will all join us in wishing Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Rowe the very best as they start this exciting, new chapter in their lives!
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
Mrs. Ford
Mrs. Rowe
Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Rowe
Mrs. Ford
Mrs. Rowe
May 4th be with You Dress Up Day on Friday! Wear your Star Wars, star, green, white, or black gear tomorrow!
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
Star Wars
Another great opportunity for our students at The Commons Theatre! Please see the flyer for more information.
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
The Commons theatre
ILEARN continues this week! Thank you for making sure your child gets a good night's sleep. Encourage your child to visualize success on test day by reading the directions carefully, staying focused, looking back in the text and working out problems. FUN Fest is coming and we need your help! See flyer about Fun Fest!
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
testing tips
Fun Fest donations
Wow! 🤩 Outstanding job to our AMES Theatre Club for their performance, hard work, dedication, and enthusiasm! Here are a few photos behind the scenes tonight. Thank you to Ms. Nichols, Mr. Traina, and Mrs. Langlie Lesnik for developing a love for the arts, inspiring our students, and their creativity! Also, special thanks to the additional family members and staff that helped this evening.
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
Willy Wonka
Willy Wonka
Willy Wonka
Willy Wonka
Willy Wonka
Willy Wonka
Willy Wonka
Willy Wonka
Willy Wonka
Willy Wonka
It's almost time! We can't wait to see you at the performance of Willy Wonka Jr., which starts at 7:00pm tonight!
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
Willy Wonka
Lights, camera, action! Our AMES is performing tonight and tomorrow at 7:00PM at the high school! We can't wait to see you!
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
Willy Wonka Jr.
Willy Wonka Jr.
Hello families! This week, ILEARN testing begins for grade 3-6. It's another opportunity for our students to show what they know! Please encourage your child to take his/her time. You've got this, Tigers! On April 26-27, our AMES Theatre Club will be performing Willy Wonka Jr. at the high school.
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
Willy Wonka Junior-Elementary theatre club
Congratulations to our students that scored a perfect score on IREAD3! The students shared why they thought they got a perfect score. Here are their responses: "I took my time." "I believed in myself." "I read the passage carefully." "I reread the passages like four times." "I read the question carefully and looked back in the text."
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
Hat Day on Friday, April 19th for $1.00!
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
hat day
What is the P.I.G? Our students have been learning more about poetry with Ms. Nichols. Currently, our P.I.G. month competition shows our pre-K, kindergarten, and second grade are in the lead! The winning grade level will have a teacher kiss a pig! 🐷 If the whole school reaches 100, 200, and 300, we have some additional staff who have to kiss a pig. 🐖 Check our Wall of Fame! Special thank you to Ms. Meredith Nichols for all of her hard work!
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
ILEARN Testing is on Tuesday, April 23 through May 10th for Grades 3-6. It's another opportunity for our students in grades 3-6 to show what they know! Tips to help your child: Make sure your child gets a good night's sleep, eats a healthy breakfast, avoid appointments during this time, if you child is sick please contact the school immediately to inform them, and remain positive! You've got this, Tigers!
5 months ago, Stacey Bowen
Top 10 Test Taking Tips
Our advanced manufacturing students visited Roche today! Thank you for sharing your expertise with our students! #AlexTigers
5 months ago, Melissa Brisco